LIVE CAMPAIGN - Ribena OPO Surpasses Last Year’s Entries to Date
LIVE CAMPAIGN - Ribena OPO Surpasses Last Year’s Entries to Date
LIVE CAMPAIGN - Ribena OPO Surpasses Last Year’s Entries to Date
LIVE CAMPAIGN - Ribena OPO Surpasses Last Year’s Entries to Date
LIVE CAMPAIGN - Ribena OPO Surpasses Last Year’s Entries to Date
LIVE CAMPAIGN - Ribena OPO Surpasses Last Year’s Entries to Date
LIVE CAMPAIGN - Ribena OPO Surpasses Last Year’s Entries to Date
LIVE CAMPAIGN - Ribena OPO Surpasses Last Year’s Entries to Date
LIVE CAMPAIGN - Ribena OPO Surpasses Last Year’s Entries to Date
LIVE CAMPAIGN - Ribena OPO Surpasses Last Year’s Entries to Date

Baltic Exchange

The Stats

Unique global data reporting platform Built on a 300-year-old foundation Supporting information sharing for a $7 billion per annum market 9-year development roadmap to end August 2020

The Challenge

Baltic Exchange is a membership organisation sharing data for shipping markets. The need for accurate, real-time, and inclusive data is essential for the success of their global operations. Baltic Exchange required a secure system that would allow for data gathering and configurable calculations to collate and share concurrent maritime market information. The data needed to be accessible in a range of formats to varying members, from internal agents to external subscribers. The global market relies on this information, and so an accurate, refined digital system was to be developed. Baltic Exchange required a modern website too, with fully integrated marketing tools to enhance web presence.

The Solution

Holograph implemented Baltic Data Manager, a complex digital net that incorporates extensive data including (to name a few…) panellist submissions, forward freight assessments, currency imports and even current fuel prices. Baltic Exchange had the ability to configure calculations to suit stakeholder needs and publish accurate, real-time maritime data that the market continues to rely on. Brokers can engage via a specialist interface and view live updates to make informed business actions. The data types are fully configurable, data download security is ensured, and the entire digital system including the refined Baltic Exchange website are built on a reliable service where users have access 24/7.