In a wide-ranging Q&A, Marc shared his knowledge and opinions with Computer Disposals on where AI will take us as a society, and how it will affect many aspects of our lives. Marc was asked to discuss the controversial topic of automated machines and artificial intelligence potentially taking jobs traditionally carried out by humans. Introducing a number of situations in which AI has started to edge out the human workforce such as driverless cars and Amazon’s logistics set-up, Marc then went on to reference Creative General Intelligence – a theoretical advance that would see computers challenge humans for creative roles. Despite what may seem like a stark warning that workers may soon find artificial intelligence challenging them for new roles and professional progression, Marc argues that promoting AI is definitively a positive step. Approaching the potential of AI holistically, it’s clear that the technology could help society solve big crises faced around the world. However, that’s not to say it’s all positive, there are obvious downsides to AI. By its very nature, Machine Learning exists within its own developmental phase, so mistakes will happen. The lessons learned come from errors as much as successes, so proponents of ML will have to account for and anticipate these mistakes throughout the process. Marc closes the interview discussing the half-truths and myths which surround AI implementation. Whilst it is easy to feel threatened by the onset of automated machines taking over jobs once held by humans, progression should be embraced to really allow it to flourish. The secretive nature of the huge companies investing vast sums into AI and ML only serves to lend weight to the concerns about the technology and the companies’ targets. However, the scales will tip: AI will become mainstream and as we have a greater understanding of the technology and its benefits, public buy-in will become greater. The interview was commissioned as part of a new series inviting experts from different fields of IT and business fields to share their knowledge, opinions and insight. The series has been designed to help technology professionals and business leaders grow their organisations, identify opportunities and overcome challenges. Read Marc’s insights in the full interview, right here.