1. Accessing the Settings pop-up To access your display settings, simply go to the top right corner of your Page Editor and select the Settings button, the text will change to red when you hover your cursor over it. This will bring up the Settings pop-up, from here you have the option of checking the tick box to display or unchecking it to take away Block Names, Block Classes and Column Widths. As a default setting, any new page created has block names displayed. 2. Definition of Display Block Names By selecting to show Block Names, all blocks that you add to your page will have their block name displayed above them. It’s important to note that some blocks don’t display their names, for example body text and spacers or rules. 3. Definition of Display Block Classes By selecting to show Block Classes, any style class that you add to a block from the options pop-up will automatically display at the top of the block. As an example, below is a H1 header to which a text-centred class has been added. 4. Definition of Display Column Widths By selecting to show Column Widths, any columns you add to the back-end page will automatically have their widths (in percentages) displayed above them. These will adjust if you edit the size of the blocks.